)Character | ગ
Code point | U+0A97
= 2711 10
= 5227 8
= 00000000 00000000 00001010 10010111 2
| |
Character name | GUJARATI LETTER GA |
Nearby |
U+0A?? /
Previous: U+0A96 (ખ) /
Next: U+0A98 (ઘ)
Code point length = 1
Character | ગ |
Code point | U+0A97 |
Age | 1.1 |
Script | Gujr Gujarati |
Bidi_Class | L |
Canonical_Combining_Class | 0 |
bidi (Unicode::UCD) | L |
CJK numeral value | - |
Unicode encodings | ||
UTF-8 |
0xE0 0xAA 0x97
| |
UTF-16BE |
0x0A 0x97
| |
UTF-16LE |
0x97 0x0A
| |
UTF-32BE |
0x00 0x00 0x0A 0x97
| |
UTF-32LE |
0x97 0x0A 0x00 0x00
| |
Web encodings | ||
utf-8 | 0xE0 0xAA 0x97 \xE0\xAA\x97 | |
gb18030 | 0x81 0x31 0xF5 0x35 \x81\x31\xF5\x35 | |
utf-16be | 0x0A 0x97 \x0A\x97 | |
utf-16le | 0x97 0x0A \x97\x0A | |
Not encodable in: big5 euc-jp euc-kr gbk ibm866 iso-2022-jp iso-8859-10 iso-8859-13 iso-8859-14 iso-8859-15 iso-8859-16 iso-8859-2 iso-8859-3 iso-8859-4 iso-8859-5 iso-8859-6 iso-8859-7 iso-8859-8 iso-8859-8-i koi8-r koi8-u macintosh shift_jis windows-1250 windows-1251 windows-1252 windows-1253 windows-1254 windows-1255 windows-1256 windows-1257 windows-1258 windows-874 x-mac-cyrillic x-user-defined |
Input | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Escapes | ||
HTML/XML decimal | ગ | |
HTML/XML hexadecimal | ગ | |
CSS | \000A97 | |
percent-decode de-UTF-8 | ઠ| U+00E0 (à) U+00AA (ª) U+0097 () |
en-UTF-8 percent-encode | %E0%AA%97 | |
de-\u | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
en-\u | \u0A97 | |
en-\u non-ASCII | \u0A97 | |
de-surrogate | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Perl bytes | \xE0\xAA\x97 | |
Perl text | \x{0A97} |
Input | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Normalization forms | ||
Canonical decomposition | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Compatibility decomposition | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Canonical composition | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
NFC (Unicode::Normalize ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
NFKC (Unicode::Normalize ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
NFD (Unicode::Normalize ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
NFKD (Unicode::Normalize ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
NFKD (UN) uc (Perl) lc (Perl) NFC (UN) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Stringprep | ||
Nameprep AllowUnassigned (Net::IDN::Nameprep 1.102) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Nameprep (Net::IDN::Nameprep 1.102) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Punycode decoding | ||
de-Punycode (Net::IDN::Punycode 2.5) | non-base character in input for decode_punycode | |
de-Punycode (Net::IDN::Punycode::PP 2.500) | invalid digit in input for decode_punycode | |
de-Punycode (IDNA::Punycode 0.03) | invalid punycode input | |
de-Punycode (Mojo::Util ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
de-Punycode (URI::_punycode 5.31) | invalid punycode input | |
de-Punycode (AnyEvent::Util 7.17) | punycode_decode: malformed punycode | |
de-Punycode (URI::UTF8::Punycode 1.05) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Nameprep variant (AnyEvent::Util 7.17) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Nameprep variant for display (AnyEvent::Util 7.17) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
ToUnicode variant (AnyEvent::Util 7.17) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Punycode encoding | ||
en-Punycode (Net::IDN::Punycode 2.5) | 2dc | |
en-Punycode (Net::IDN::Punycode::PP 2.500) | 2dc | |
en-Punycode (IDNA::Punycode 0.03) | -2dc | |
en-Punycode (Mojo::Util ) | ગ | |
en-Punycode (URI::_punycode 5.31) | 2dc | |
en-Punycode (AnyEvent::Util 7.17) | 2dc | |
en-Punycode (URI::UTF8::Punycode 1.05) | xn--2dc | |
ToASCII variant (AnyEvent::Util 7.17) | xn--2dc | |
Cases | ||
ASCII uppercase | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
ASCII lowercase | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Uppercase (Perl uc ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Lowercase (Perl lc ) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Uppercase_Mapping(C) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Lowercase_Mapping(C) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Case_Folding(X) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
NFKC_Casefold(X) | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
Compatibility case folding | ગ | U+0A97 (ગ) |
lang=en | ગ |
lang=ja | ગ |
lang=zh | ગ |
lang=zh-cn | ગ |
lang=zh-tw | ગ |
lang=zh-hk | ગ |
lang=zh-mo | ગ |
lang=zh-sg | ગ |
lang=zh-hans-cn | ગ |
lang=zh-hant-tw | ગ |
lang=ko | ગ |
lang=vi | ગ |
dir=ltr | ગ |
dir=rtl | ગ |
'writing-mode: vertical-rl' | ગ |
cursive | ગ |
fantasy | ગ |
monospace | ગ |
sans-serif | ગ |
serif | ગ |
-manakai-default | ગ |
-moz-use-system-font | ગ |
-apple-system | ગ |
-moz-button | ગ |
-moz-desktop | ગ |
-moz-dialog | ગ |
-moz-document | ગ |
-moz-field | ગ |
-moz-info | ગ |
-moz-list | ગ |
-moz-pull-down-menu | ગ |
-moz-window | ગ |
-moz-workspace | ગ |
caption | ગ |
icon | ગ |
menu | ગ |
message-box | ગ |
small-caption | ગ |
status-bar | ગ |
system-ui | ગ |
font-style: italic | ગ |
font-variant: small-caps | ગ |
font-weight: 100 | ગ |
font-weight: 200 | ગ |
font-weight: 300 | ગ |
font-weight: 400 | ગ |
font-weight: 500 | ગ |
font-weight: 600 | ગ |
font-weight: 700 | ગ |
font-weight: 800 | ગ |
font-weight: 900 | ગ |
OpenSansEmoji | ગ |
Mona | ગ |
小夏 | ગ |
Noto Color Emoji | ગ |
Noto Emoji | ગ |
Note that your system might not have specified fonts.
MS PGothic | ગ |
IPAMonaPGothic | ગ |
Monapo | ગ |
Mona | ગ |
Mona (Web font) | ગ |
小夏 | ગ |
小夏 (Web font) | ગ |
Note that your system might not have specified fonts.
Times New Roman | ગ |
Arial | ગ |
Arial Unicode MS | ગ |
Helvetica | ગ |
Helvetica Neue | ગ |
Verdana | ગ |
Lucida Grande | ગ |
Courier New | ગ |
MS 明朝 | ગ |
MS Mincho | ગ |
@MS 明朝 | ગ |
@MS Mincho | ગ |
MS P明朝 | ગ |
MS PMincho | ગ |
@MS P明朝 | ગ |
@MS PMincho | ગ |
MS ゴシック | ગ |
MS Gothic | ગ |
@MS ゴシック | ગ |
@MS Gothic | ગ |
MS Pゴシック | ગ |
MS PGothic | ગ |
@MS Pゴシック | ગ |
@MS PGothic | ગ |
MS UI Gothic | ગ |
@MS UI Gothic | ગ |
Microsoft Yahei | ગ |
微软雅黑 | ગ |
メイリオ | ગ |
Meiryo | ગ |
@メイリオ | ગ |
@Meiryo | ગ |
Osaka | ગ |
Fira Sans | ગ |
Droid Sans | ગ |
Comic Sans MS | ગ |
Hiragino Sans GB | ગ |
ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3 | ગ |
Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN | ગ |
游ゴシック | ગ |
YuGothic | ગ |
YuGothic Normalize | ગ |
Yu Mincho | ગ |
YuMincho | ગ |
Montserrat | ગ |
Menlo | ગ |
.SFNSDisplay-Regular | ગ |
Segoe UI | ગ |
Segoe UI Symbol | ગ |
Roboto | ગ |
Oxygen | ગ |
Ubuntu | ગ |
Cantarell | ગ |
PingFang SC | ગ |
Symbol | ગ |
Apple Symbols | ગ |
Wingdings | ગ |
Wingdings 2 | ગ |
Wingdings 3 | ગ |
Webdings | ગ |
BlinkMacSystemFont | ગ |
The character belongs to following character sets: